Ran gebal lsan dfu llus eo fprac ticefacil ities;-
Ba gdr opserv ice;-
Ho leCont estsfo rClos estt oth ePi n,Long estPu tt,Long estDri ve,an dAccu racyDri vefo rMe ns &Lad ies;-
Compet itiveFours omesse tu po nth eSp urTe eBox esan dNetwo rkingFours omesse tu po nth eSa geTe eBox es;-
Putt ingCont est;an d-
Pri zesaft erdin ner.
Al ltea msha ve 4golf ers;-
Al lgolf erste eof ffr omeve ryho le;-
Ov erth ecou rseo f 18hol es,ea chmem bero fth efour somemu stus ea tlea st 3te esho tsea ch;-
Te amCapt aindeci deswhi chba llt opl ayfr omfo rth ene xtsh ot;-
Th ere sto fth ete amcoll ectsthe irgo lfbal lsfr omthe irsho ts,an dhi tsthe irne xtsh otfr omth eba llcho senb yth eTe amCapt ain;-
Fol lowth isfor matunt ilsome oneo nth ete amsin ks apu tto rappr oachsh ot,an dsco refo rte ami sreco rdedo nth escore card;an d-
Mulli ganswi llno tb eallo wedfo rdri vesfr omth ete ebo xo nth eho le-i n-on eo rclos estt oth epi ncont esthol es.
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Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
10:30 AM - 8:00 PM PDT
Brian Jones, Manager of Membership and Development
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